Will An Enema Better Your Anal Orgasm?
Anal play can get messy and it is a fact of life.
But, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of a poo-related incident from occurring.
One of those is to do an enema before doing any anal play.
an enema can help to get rid of most waste matter and leave your back door looking sparkling clean.
Some people even enjoy getting an enema before getting any anal play and the anal orgasm afterward is even better!
Benefits of doing an enema before anal play
better experience: Douching will clean out residual waste from your rectum (where anal play occurs). So, when you have sex, you won’t encounter any fecal matter or odors. This makes anal sex more pleasant and much safer.
Peace of mind: Worrying about whether you’re going to poo during anal play can make it hard to enjoy the moment. Using an enema beforehand can help put your worries at ease.
Easier entry: A pre-anal enema is a good way to relax the muscles in your back door and get you ready for penetration. Consider adding it to foreplay as a clean and kinky way to start the fun.
It feels good: If you enjoy stimulation around the anal opening, you’ll probably like the feeling of an anal douche. Others enjoy the feeling of fluid rushing inside them.