Why Are You Turned On by Humiliation?

The question of why some people are aroused by humiliation is challenging to answer.
The thing is — if you’re into it, then you’re into it. Other people might not get it in the same way that some people don’t get extreme sports. Why risk your life jumping out of an airplane?
Well, because it’s exciting! It’s arousing! On top of that, it’s also a taboo. And every taboo is hot.
If you’re really looking for an answer on why humiliation turns some people on, you might find it in prior experiences. Some subs have had experiences where pain, embarrassment, and humiliation occurred at the same time as pleasure. Thus, they might be chasing that pleasure again.
As a dominatrix, I am fully aware that deriving sexual arousal from some type of humiliation is a form of sexual masochism. Sexual masochism describes the phenomenon of experiencing sexual pleasure in response to receiving sexual pain. Although most people primarily assume sexual pain is physical pain, it’s actually psychological pain in the case of people getting sexual arousal from humiliation.
A few years ago, a submissive found my blog and contacted me by email seeking a humiliation scenario session. Besides tons of verbal humiliation, I came up with the amazing idea of peeing in your asshole. That’s right, shoot fresh piss into your asshole.